Saturday, 2 February 2008

Brigadier Isaac Maliyamungu

One of the most evil was this Lieutenant who was in charge of quelling dissent in the army. Before he joined the army, he had been a gatekeeper at nyanza Textile Industries, where Kisajja(Henry Kyemba's brother) was personnel manager. At the time of the coup, he commandeered a tank with which he shot up the entrance to the Entebbe airport terminal, killing two priests. After the coup he headed Amin's execution gangs, with unlimite power to execute anybody in the army, even officers senior to him His modes of execution are as atrocious as anything imaginable. he is fond of disemboweling. Along with several other officers, he is known to have executed his victims by having them run over by tank. But perhaps the grisliest episode concerned Francis Walugembe, who had previously been Mayor of Masaka. In September 1972, Walugembe was arrested, had his genitals cut off and was paraded through the streets before being killed and dismembered. So violent and brutal is Malyamungu that even Amin once commented to me that he feared he might be going mad.

A Zairean.


Unknown said...

Damn!!! this guy was a lunatic.

Rio deLoca said...

You forgot to mention that he was a Zairean Kakwa. He wasn't even a bonafide Ugandan.

Unknown said...

Point me in the right direction for research on this guy. I am not Ugandan.

Margaret said...

Chali Flani, I think Isaac Malyamungu is dead. He is believed to have died in the 1979 war that toppled Idi Amin.
Also check up on the writings of someone called Timothy Kalyegira. He has very good information on the people who served during the regime of Idi Amin, including Malyamungu.

Unknown said...

Where did notorious Isaac Malyamungu come to an end?

Unknown said...

That notorious goon did a lot of live executions. i remember one time when Amin asked him to murder all soldiers from acholi region. He tricked them by parading them before a mamba hiding soldiers inside. he started by saying to them "comrades, we have asked u to parade here because we want to teach u more defense skills..........". there he disappeared and the hidden battalian inside the lorry short at all of them dead.

Lanie Banks said...

Idi Amin s regime was a tragedy to ugandans but on the other hand it made uganda very poppular especially mad people like Malyamungu and Bob Astles.YOS LANIE BANKS

Lanie Banks said...

Learn more about ugandan music

Adam Hassan said...

Congo drc bro he was a zairean kakwa

Adam Hassan said...

No he never finished the war he ran away and died in Drc in 1980

Lowlings said...


Mcckonnel said...

Maliyamungu died in Sudan 1984

anfied said...

He died of poison in 1984